I thought I should show you something else this week. This summer we have been building our daughters playhouse. It started out as a little playhouse but it got a little bigger along the way ;-) We have not finished it yet but I want to show you some pictures of the playhouse from this summer. Hope you like it !!
We started the house...or digging for it on may 27th.
We started out slow and a little less than a month later we started building the actual house because the groundwork took alot of time !
It´s beginning to look like a house !
We decided to put a little sandbox in the deck that could be closed....so the neighbourhood cats would not come and use it as their personal toilet ;-)
The roof is on...but not on fire ;-)
A little picnic in the garden, my daughters and their friend !
July 11th. The playhouse has become a house....with a deck and soon to be "white picket fence"
And here comes the color....and yes, it´s red !!
And here we are almost done on the outside. Some paint work is left and we have to build a door before the winter arrives..JPG)
Isn´t it pretty ??
My husband has done all the work him self, both designing and building....with not so much help from me, except from some idea and design work.
My work is yet to come....when I get to decorate inside and fulfill all my childhood dreams :-)